Current version
This version represents another shift in user comfort when using the application. A lot of effort was put into the revision of the Test module, a new bulk edit and fine-tuning of details after the last big release.
Key Highlights:
- Test module refactor: Introducing new layout system in Test module. Now you have 5 different views available for better test categorization.
- Bulk edit: This powerful feature lets you quickly perform the same action on multiple issues/test cases at once.
- Improved Side form: We've enhanced the overall user experience of the side form. Now the tabs adopt issue type icons, the form is resizable and details section remains sticky when scrolling.
- Right click options: Introducing right-click menu for quick actions. Available in Issues, Test Cases, Test Plans, Test Spaces, and the My Work module.
- Timesheet calendar UI: Calendar has got its UI tuned to match the rest of the app.
- Renewed Test plan detail: The Test Plan detail view has undergone a major redesign.
- Dragable window in Timesheet: Drag and move the modal to see your calendar while recording your time.
These changes collectively bring a more powerful, flexible, and user-friendly application, ensuring a better overall experience for our users.
Bug fixes:
As always a large amount of bugs have been cleared & fixed.
- You can no longer delete or lock yourself.
- Fixed Broadcast message not showing after editing.
- Declined activities in Timesheet are not counted in statistics.
- Fixed bug causing not showing other users' requests for approval.
- Filling user's phone no. is no longer required.
- Fixed bug allowing to delete last remaining status.
- Fixed non working share filter.
- Fixed inability to edit projects on phone.
- Fixed non-existing URL links in empty states.
- other minor bugs and corrections
Past sprints
All the past releases and updates, straight from the team.This release marks a significant overhaul of the application, featuring numerous improvements and new functionalities aimed at enhancing user experience and performance.
Key Highlights:
- Issue Types Functionality: Introducing new issue types for better task categorization.
- Issue Links: Ability to link related issues for improved project management.
- Roadmap Module: Completely reworked for better visualization and planning.
- UI Redesigns: Major simplifications and redesigns for a more intuitive and user-friendly interface.
- Timesheet Statistics: Added detailed statistics to the timesheet module.
- Customizable Primary Color: Users can now customize the primary color, with a fresh new default theme.
- Performance Optimizations: Significant improvements to app performance for smoother operation.
- Design Module Removal: Streamlined functionality by removing the Design module in favor of new issue types.
- Enhanced Filters: New filters added with improved functionality, including the ability to save filters.
- Customizable Access Tokens
- Dashboard Improvements: The dashboard is now renamed to "My Work" and includes several enhancements.
- New website!
This sprint focused on significant improvements to the user experience, including a new WYSIWYG editor, redesigned participant picker, sidebar, login page, and various pickers. Additionally, global search was added to the Docs module, and the app's layout was simplified with a focus on lists over tables. Bug fixes addressed issues with drag and drop, loading states, user onboarding, and the WYSIWYG editor.
- New WYSIWYG editor
- Added change password functionality in user form
- New global search to Docs module
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug in Jira integration create modal
- Fixed Roadmap activity owner
- Fixed avatars in audit log table
- Fixed bug, where adding avatars broke create modal
- Timesheet popup decision info fix
- Fixed pagination so that it resets on filtering
- Fixed Due date picker not closing on change
- Fixed Jira modal autoselect
- Fixed permission bugs in timesheet
- Added SK language
- Added Priorities in Kanban
- Redesigned priorities
- Removed notifications customization
- Redesigned issue module
- Adding a button at the end of the tests to scroll back to the first test
- Redesigned roadmap picker
- Updated create activity modal
- Redesigned Timesheet tables
- Timesheet: Added ability to restore request types
- Added test case related issues
- Reworked user management
- Vertical test steps view
- Manage labels redesign
- Split working and non-working activities and requests in Timesheett
- Reworked settings main screen
- Added new color picker
Bug Fixes
- Fixed create entity button disabled
- Permissions fixes
- Active navigation tab fix
- Fixed permission language mutations
- Fixed issue table collaborators
- Fixed project picker in create modals
- Fixed project permissions
- Fixed deleted statuses and priorities in create modals
- Fix of Vertical test steps
- Fixed bug when editing timesheet activity
- Fixed label picker