
Custom Installation

I want to run juno.one in my company, on my server

If you do not want to use the Cloud and you want to run the system on your infrastructure, i.e. on your servers (on-premises), you need to use the Enterprise pricing plan for at least 10 users. If you want to use it, please feel free to contact us so that we can send you instructions or look at the technical and business conditions of such operation.

For deployment, you will need the services of an IT specialist with the knowledge that we will specify on request. If you do not have an IT specialist, we will provide this service with the help of our experts. Software maintenance services include Product maintenance - they do not include maintaining your environment, the implemented integrations that you have between the Product and third-parties, or the implementation and modification of the Products for your needs. We cannot be responsible for your environment and its differences, and therefore, maintaining integrations and the virtual machine must be provided by you, either on your own or on the basis of a contractual cooperation with one of our partners.

In which case is it worthwhile for you to operate on your own server?

  • only if you want to explicitly operate yourself, otherwise you can use Cloud operation with us for the basic licence price
  • if you have your own infrastructure (server) on which you will run the solution
  • if you have your own IT professionals who will take care of the server operation and backup
  • if security regulations do not allow you to store data outside of your organisation

What do you have to observe when operating on your own infrastructure?

Operating on your own infrastructure is voluntary, you choose it yourselves if you do not want to use the Cloud operation, and it brings you obligations that you must comply with so that the operation is seamless. Otherwise, you lose the warranty rights for the core of the Product.

Read and comply with the Technical and Business Conditions for operation on the company's own infrastructure that are mandatory for you when operating on your infrastructure.

Requirements for your server and infrastructure

What juno.one licences do you need to operate on your servers?

To operate on your infrastructure, you need to have the Enterprise pricing plan from 10 users. It is up to you to decide whether to use the subscription mode or whether to purchase perpetual licences.

How can you deploy and run juno.one on your servers?

The juno.one application will run in your company on a separate virtual machine (VM), within your virtualisation environment. Therefore, you will provide a virtual server with sufficient capacity (see hardware requirements) on which the application will run. The machine should be assigned with resources in accordance with the minimum requirements listed below in this document.

Requirements for communication, licence verification and internet

For proper operation on your server, you need to ensure communication from the server so that neither your firewall nor other security features prevent this communication.

The communication with the licenced infrastructure must be provided in a standard way. The VM must be able to communicate with the internet without restrictions at least on ports (tcp/udp) 443 and 80 (http and https). For security reasons, standard communication takes place via https on port 443. If the policy that you have set for your infrastructure does not allow it, it is necessary to notify us of this fact. Our technicians can then solve such non-standard conditions with you as part of professional services.

The virtual machine must allow access to the DENEVY licencing infrastructure: lic.denevy.eu. for reasons of verifying the validity of your licence and continuous updating. For the same reason, and to quickly resolve exceptional situations, access to the virtual server must also be possible via SSH.

SSL certificate requirements

The communication between the server and the users takes place securely via the https protocol. This requires an installed SSL certificate. When running in on-premise mode, operation is assumed on the domain specified by the customer, i.e. you. Therefore, in principle, you must also have an SSL certificate to the domain under your control. You must install and renew the SSL certificate yourselves, or we will help you with that.

Mail server

juno.one uses mailing for tits users' convenience. It is necessary to ensure communication with the internet in the standard way for outgoing emails. These are the ports (tcp/udp). If the policy that you have set for your infrastructure does not allow it, it is necessary to provide us with data for the use of your mail server. Our technicians will then solve this with you as part of professional services.

Management and maintenance requirements

Virtual server and virtual environment management and maintenance

You need to manage and monitor your virtual server and keep the minimum hardware requirements for server operation. As the owner, you are fully responsible for its operation, backup, recovery and server operation and your other related infrastructure. The choice of a specific backup technology is up to you.

The application's operation in the virtual machine is ensured automatically, as part of product maintenance. Exceptional situations, maintenance and hotfixes can be handled remotely by our specialists, based on a separate support contract, which also ensures data confidentiality.

Application updates

All juno.one updates on your infrastructure are available as part of the update, but are not triggered automatically like in the Cloud. Your administrator runs them manually at a time that suits your organisation's requirements. In addition to new features, the updates also include bug fixes and security improvements, so you are required to run updates regularly. You acknowledge that we repair and improve the Product through updates. If you do not allow us to update the Product or you do not update it yourselves and you stop using or paying for the Product maintenance service, you will lose your right to warranty.

Hardware requirements for the virtual server

CPU: at least 2 GHz, 2 x 2 GHz recommended

RAM: at least 2 GB, 8 GB recommended

HDD: at least 20 GB of free space or more, depending on the amount of stored data

Requirements for connecting the server to the internet

Depending on the number of users and the quality level of services and connections you want to guarantee them (speed and latency), dimension the connection of your server to the internet. If your users are mainly on the internal network, the internet connection demands are minimal.

  • Users are on the internal network: 1 Mbit / s recommended
  • Users are connected via the internet: a minimum of 10 Mbit/s or more is recommended depending on the number of users

Hardware requirements for the backup server

To meet security standards, we strongly recommend the data, physical and location separation of the server for backing-up your data (virtual environment). We recommend creating a space that is at least 4 times your data volume.

User equipment requirements

juno.one can be operated on any common modern computer, tablet or smartphone; it does not need any special requirements. It does not matter if you have Windows, iOS, Android, Linux, Ubuntu, or another operating system. A full HD display resolution and a diagonal of at least 13" is recommended.

All you need is an updated web browser. We recommend Google Chrome.

Expertise requirements

Proper professional care requires that you have your own capacities or hired professionals with the following minimum expertise:

  • IT specialist for the virtualisation environment depending on what you run
  • IT server management specialist with knowledge of backup technologies at virtual server level
  • IT specialist for e-mail server management with advanced knowledge

If you do not have the capacity of your own IT experts, we will be happy to provide you with this service with the help of our experts.

List of third-party licences used to operate juno.one

juno.one only uses open licences; it does not burden you with paying any other licences beyond your subscription.

  • Ubuntu operating system
  • PHP scripting language
  • MySQL

juno.one pricelist for operating on your own infrastructure

Products and services pricelist

  • A special Enterprise plan is intended for operation on the company's own infrastructure
  • When choosing a solution on your own server (on-premises), you are charged a lump sum for our installation assistance or for generating an installation package prepared for your infrastructure's conditions. Within this amount, as a customer you are entitled to online support for the application's placement and configuration in your environment up to a maximum of 1 working day. Any other work beyond this range is further charged according to the current pricelist and the amount of work we will do for you.

We, as the Product's licensor, are not liable for damages caused by non-compliance with the above recommendations and operating conditions. Other business and cooperation requirements are specified in the General Terms and Conditions and further in the Technical and Business Conditions for operation on the company's own infrastructure.