

description here

API Integration supports REST API integration. Every request needs to be authenticated according to the documentation.


The API service is authenticated through JWT Bearer Token which can be generated for an existing user. The request has to contain the necessary headers for a successful processing:

  • header X-TenantID which defines the name of the environment
  • header Content-Type is usually set as "application/json"
  • header Zone defines the actual timezone of user

The application runs on a microservice architecture and currently contains a number of domains, divided according to the modules.


In developer developer documentation you can find everything you need to make use of our application's interface, including a detailed description of the following endpoints:

  • Authentication
  • User
  • Issues
  • Tests (includes export, test analysis, test executions, test plans, test spaces and test steps)


Documentation for developers can be found directly at Alternatively you can browse our swagger.