

Find out how to set Users in your workspace. Without your teammates any project is useless.

Create a Users

You are able to create as many users as you have set in your subscription plan. In a case you need to create more users, please first follow the procedure to increase a total number of users in your billing plan.

To create a user go to Settings - Users & Teams.

In the Users tab click the Create new button.

Create a user

In case the create button is disabled you have either no permission to create a user or you have no available user slot at the moment. Please check your current billing plan.

In create modal there are 3 steps to go through. Each one is described bellow:

Create a user - step 1

  • First name(required): Type user's first name.
  • Last name(required): Type user's last name.
  • Email(required): Type user's email.
  • Phone number: User's phone number (international format recommended).
  • User Description: A space for additional notes, contacts, personal weblinks or storing user related documents as attachments.

Create a user - step 2 In this step you will select what Specific role(s) the user will be assigned. It is mandatory to select at least 1.

Create a user - step 3

In this step you are able to add user to an existing team. The step is optional and can be skipped.

Create a user - step 3

For every team selected you need to assign respective team role!

Edit a user

By clicking on the user's name or selecting the Edit action on the right side of the user line, a side window will open where you can adjust all information about the user.

Edit a user The adjustable information is the same as when creating a user. You are able to edit:

  • First & Last name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • User's description
  • Avatar
  • Set as super admin: Super admin has access to all features of, regardless of the user's team roles and specific roles. Only super admins are able to grant another user super admin rights.
  • In the bottom part there are 3 tabs where you can edit user's Specific roles, Teams & team roles or Change user's Login password.
Users who don't have permission to edit users are able to edit ONLY the Phone number and avatar of their own profile.

Lock a user

Locked users will remain assigned to their issues but will be prohibited from accessing the juno workspace. Users are still visible in user pickers and You can still assign issues to them.

To lock a user click the Lock button. Lock a user

Unlock a user

To unclock locked user first click the filter dropdown and check Locked. See locked users

After that you will see all locked users.

Find the user you wish to unlock and click Unlock button. Unlock a user

Unlocked users will gain access to all the previously assigned roles & permissions or their work.

Delete a user

Deleted users will remain assigned to their issues but will be prohibited from accessing the juno workspace. Deleted users are NOT visible in user pickers and You CANNOT assign issues to them.

To delete a user click the Delete button. Delete a user

Restore a user

Deleted users remain in the system as decativated and is possible to restore them eventually.

Please note that restored users will NOT retain their previously linked teams. To ensure proper team assignments, it is necessary to add the user back to the respective teams.

To restore a user first click the filter dropdown and check Deleted. See deleted users

After that you will see all deleted users.

Find the user you wish to restore and click Restore button. Restore a user

Clone a user

Any existing user can be clonned. This option is effective in a case you want to create a new user with exact the same teams & permissions.

To clone a user click the Clone button. Clone a user

A new 3 step create modal will open with prefilled details from the existing user. Adjust the details as necessary and submit new user in the 3rd step.

Search for user

To search a user use name or email address.

Search a user

Import users

It is possible to bulk import your own list of users by uploading an Excel sheet with all the necessary information. provides you with an XLSX/CSV template that needs to be used for the bulk import:

To import users from external file click the Import button. Import users

Download a XLSX or CSV template file. Download a template import file

Template file looks like this... template import file

Once you have created your file click on Upload file and select your import file. Import users

Click to import and all the users will be created and you'll be able to work with them further.