
Roles & Permissions

Learn how to assign roles and permissions to ensure a secure and efficient workflow for your users.

What is the Specific role


Specific roles are special roles that mostly customize user navigation layout and define permissions for editing global settings of the app (for better understanding we may call them setting roles). Specific roles are linked directly to individual user.

Specific role - ilustration.svg

Every user is required to have at least 1 specific role linked! Otherwise is unable to work with

These roles specify what modules can user view in main navigation. They also set permissions to access and modify Global settings. See bellow the walkthrough for creating a role to fully understand what types of permissions is able to set within a specific role.

How to set a Specific role

First go to Settings - Roles & Permissions - select the tab Specific roles and press + Add role button.

Specific role - settings.svg

The walkthrough guide bellow describes each step in the 3 step create modal:

role setup - step 1

  • Role Name: Name of the role (used in text searches)
  • Role Description: Description for further understanding what the role can and cannot. Description is only visible in Role table.

role setup - step 2

In this step you will select What modules will user see & access in side navigation menu.

Please be aware accessing modules in main navigation doesn't mean this role will allow to make further changes inside that module.

role setup - step 3

Here is a list of all permissions available to set for a specific role:

  • View : Allows to view a list of Projects in project table.
  • Create : Allows to create a new Project.
  • Archive : Allows to Archive any Project.
  • Delete : Allows to Delete any Project.

Docs Space
  • View : Allows user to view Docs Spaces
  • Create : Allows to create a Docs Space.
  • Delete : Allows to delete any Docs space.

Timesheet Activity
  • Approve all : Allows to Approve/Decline any activity for anyone.

Settings - User
  • View : Allows to view a list of all existing users.
  • Create : Allows to Create a new user.
  • Edit : Allows to edit an existing user.
  • Import : Allows to import users from external source (CSV/XLSX).
  • Delete : Allows to delete any user.
  • Undelete : Allows to restore previously deleted users.
  • Lock : Allows to lock user from accessing the juno workspace.
  • Unlock : Allows to unlock previously locked users.

Settings - Team
  • View : Allows to view a list of all existing teams.
  • Create : Allows to create a new team.
  • Edit : Allows to edit any team.
  • Delete : Allows to delete any team.
  • Undelete : Allows to restore previously deleted teams.

Settings - Roles
  • View : Allows to view a list of all existing roles.
  • Create : Allows to create a new role.
  • Edit : Allows to edit an existing role.
  • Delete : Allows to delete any role.
  • Undelete : Allows to restore previously deleted roles.
  • Clone : Allows to create a copy of existing role.

Settings - Broadcast messages
  • View : Allows to view a list of all existing messages.
  • Create : Allows to create a new broadcast message.
  • Edit : Allows to edit an existing message.
  • Delete : Allows to delete forever any broadcast message.

Settings - Billing
  • View : Allows to view Billing details.
  • Create : Allows to create a subscription.
  • Edit : Allows to edit Billing details.
  • Cancel : Allows to cancel existing subscription.

Settings - Integrations
  • View : Allows to view existing integrations on any project.
  • Edit : Allows to add, edit or remove integrations on any project.

What is the Team role


Team role is linked to a user within a specific team. Each user can have multiple Team roles assigned. The total set of permissions is based on sum from all the roles user has assigned in a single team.

Projects & Docs spaces are team based modules. User on a project is given a set of permissions based on the team role and respective team he/she is in on a single project.

Rectangle 4174.png

How to set a Team role

First go to Settings - Roles & Permissions - select the tab Team roles and press + Add role button.

Team role - settings.svg

The walkthrough guide bellow describes each step in the 3 step create modal:

role setup - step 1

  • Role Name: Name of the role (used in text searches)
  • Role Description: Description for further understanding what the role can and cannot. Description is only visible in Role table.

role setup - step 2

In this step you will select modules that you wish to set permissions.

role setup - step 3

Here is a list of all permissions available to set for a team role:

  • Edit : Allows to edit project settings.

Project dashboard
  • View : Allows to view project dashboard.
  • Edit : Allows to edit project dashboard.

Project Roadmap
  • View : Allows to view a list of all existing roadmaps.
  • Create : Allows to create a new roadmap.
  • Edit : Allows to edit existing roadmaps.
  • Delete : Allows to delete.

Project issues
  • View : Allows to view existing issues.
  • Create : Allows to create a new issue.
  • Edit : Allows to edit existing issues.
  • Delete : Allows to delete & restore issues.

Project priority
  • Create : Allows to create a new priority. (Edit project permission is required)
  • Edit : Allows to edit an existing priority. (Edit project permission is required)
  • Delete : Allows to delete a priority. (Edit project permission is required)

Docs space
  • Edit : Allows to edit existing Docs spaces.

Docs topic
  • View : Allows to view existing docs topics. (also required to create a topic & page)
  • Create : Allows to create a new topic .
  • Edit : Allows to edit existing docs topics.
  • Delete : Allows to cancel existing subscription.

Docs page
  • View : Allows to view existing docs pages.
  • Create : Allows to create a new page. (Edit Docs space permission is required)
  • Edit : Allows to edit existing pages.
  • Delete : Allows to delete & restore pages.

Test space
  • View : Allows to view test spaces.
  • Create : Allows to create a test space.
  • Edit : Allows to edit test spaces. (For adding/removing linked test plans or test cases to the test space you need the "edit test plan" / "Edit test case" permission)
  • Delete : Allows to delete & restore test spaces.

Test plan
  • View : Allows to view test plans.
  • Create : Allows to create & clone test plans.
  • Edit : Allows to edit existing test plans.
  • Delete : Allows to delete & restore test plans.

Test case
  • View : Allows to view test cases.
  • Create : Allows to create a test case.
  • Edit : Allows to edit existing test cases.
  • Delete : Allows to delete & restore test cases.
  • Import : Allows to import test cases from external XLSX file.
  • Execute : Allows to execute test case.
  • Clone : Allows to create a copy from existing test case.