
Operations with projects

description here


The search works as a part of filter but stands alone in quick actions for faster navigation.

The search is able to use ONLY for searching by project names or by ID number (in this case you have to start search query with hashtag - for example #XXX). Search by.svg


The filter consist of 4 options: Filter by.svg

  • Text search : This is the same as the Search above
  • Label : Filtering projects by It's assigned label. You can select multiple labels and filter projects that includes all of selected labels or any of them.
  • Owner : Filter by project Owner. Multiple owners selected will filter projects with any of the assigned owners
  • Team : Filter projects by one or more assigned teams

Display preferences

Display preferences provide options to customize the view to your needs. You are able to select sorting options, switch to deleted items or customize rows by toggling instances that you wish to keep visible or hidden.

Search by.svg

Edit project

First click the Edit button.

Project Edit

Edit modal will appear. Here you can edit details such as Project name, Owner, Teams, Description or Labels

Project Edit modal

Delete project

Click the Delete button.

Project Delete

In order to delete a project you have to confirm your action. The project then will be deactivated and you will no longer see this project within the list of projects.

Project Delete modal

Restoring deleted project

You still have the access to your deleted projects & every project can be eventually restored. To do this first click the Display preferences button.

Project Display preferences

In Display preferences select Show results - Deleted

Project Display preferences modal

All the deleted projects will appear. Find the one you wish to restore and click the Restore button

Project restore