
Timesheet Activity types

Activity types are backbone of efficient time tracking in Timesheet module. Learn how to set them.

Activity Types in general

timesheet activity types

Create new Activity type

To create new activty type click on Create new button.

When create modal opens you will see following window.

activity type create modal

Type a Name of your activity and add a color and a description. In top right corner choose whether the activity is working type or non-working. Working activities can be linked to an issue, project and team.

Lastly an approval can be checked as required for this activity type.

activity type create modal 2

A multiple users as approvers can be set for any activity (whether the activity is working or non-working). Approvers are able to approve ONLY those activity types they are set as Approver (for example Doctor and Vacation may have different approvers).

Super admins have the right to approve ANY activity type without the need to be set as approvers

Edit Activity type

To update activity type details click on Edit button.

Edit activity types

In edit window you can adjust any form input except the working/non-working type!

Activity type - Edit modal

Delete Activity type

Click on Delete button at the end of line.

Delete activity types

Deleting activity type will not affect its already created activities.

Restore Activity type

Deleted activity types remains deactivated and eventually can be restored.

To restore an activity type first click on Filter and select With deleted.

Show deleted activity types

Now you can see deleted items. Select one you want to restore and click on Restore button.

Restore activity types