

Your billing details, invoices, payment history and subscription plan. Everything you need to ensure your workspace works smoothly.

Free trial

Every juno instance starts with 30 day Free trial. During this period you can test things out, do anything in your workspace with no limits. After


After your trial expires, juno will restrict your access. To continue using juno please proceed with subscription.



Create a user - step 3

Your Juno workspace subscription is based on user count. This includes both Active and Locked users.

Upgrade your subscription to add more users. Unused slots remain available for new user creation. You can create as many new users as many user slots you have available.

Billing is Monthly or Annually. Choose the plan that suits your needs.

Bellow is shown a price comparison for both billing periods.

Billed monthly

Base price is 10 EUR per user / month. The price gradually decreases with more users you add.


Billed annually


How to subscribe

First go to Settings - Billing and click on Subscribe now button.


Alternatively when your trial expires follow the button in expiration modal.

Then a 3 step subscription tour window will open...

Create a team - step 1

  • Number of users: Type a number of users that will be using juno workspace. Minimum number is always the current number of your users at the moment. Maximum number is not limited.
  • Billing period: Select either Monthly or Anunally. Annual payment is discounted as shown in Subscription section above.
  • Discount coupond: Alternatively you can enter a coupon code to apply a discount.

Create a team - step 2

In this step fill up your billing details. Only name and email is required.

  • As a Name you can use a person or a company name.
  • Email functions as Instance owner email and will be used for any future communications (with a support team for example).
  • Other details - Phone number, VAT number and Full address are optional

Create a user - step 3

In this step you can review everything filled in previous steps.

Please make sure information here is correct before proceeding to the payment.

Create a user - step 3

Consecutively proceed to the payment where you need to fill your card details. All payments are securely processed by Stripe.

After succesful payment Stripe will remember your payment details and will recur the payment with every new billing period.

Create a user - step 3

How to change subscription

In a case you want to change subscription click on Update your plan in Subscription plan section.


In new modal window you will see your current number of users, chosen billing period and price breakdown (for this demonstration we used a test account, you won't see there 0 EUR totals :) )


You can update Billing period, add a Coupon code and update number of users.

Increasing total users is not limited. This option will add available user slots for you. You can create as many new users as many user slots you have available.

Decreasing total users - It's not possible to decrease the number of users less than you have already created (Active + locked). If you need to decrease your billed users even lower first delete some of the users and repeat this action.

How to edit Billing details

If you want to update your billing details click on Edit icon in Billing details section.


Adjust details as necessary and click on Save button.


Payment history

In Payment history table you can see all invoices applicable to your juno workspace. With every new billing period a new invoice will appear in there. Also any update you make with your subscrption may result an additional invoice will be created.

You can download any of these invoices by clicking on the invoice number.


How to cancel subscription

In a case you want to cancel subscription click on Update your plan in Subscription plan section.


In new modal window continue with Cancel subscription button.


Follow the cancelation steps until you see the message that your subscription has been cancelled.
