

Learn how to work with Teams in Project management. Setting up Teams is crucial for efficient collaboration in

Teams in general

Teams are the building blocks of collaboration in any project management system. Imagine them as organized groups within a project, where you can assign Team roles to users. These roles come with different permission sets, tailored to the unique needs of each project. This structure ensures everyone involved understands their responsibilities and how they contribute to the overall goal.

Furthermore, teams play a crucial role in tracking time spent on issues and tests. In Timesheet users record their working hours linked to their specific teams. This allows project managers to generate Reports that analyze how different teams allocate their time. By evaluating this data, managers can identify areas for improvement and optimize team efficiency for future projects and better Roadmap planning.

This ultimately leads to better communication, clearer accountability, and well-informed decision-making throughout the project's lifecycle.

Create a team

To create a Team go to Settings and click on Create team button.

Create a team

Create a team - step 1

  • Team name(required): Type a name of the new team.
  • Team Description: Here you can shortly describe the team. Descriptions are visible only on Team's page.

Create a team - step 2 In this step you will select all the users you want to add into the team.

For every user added you need to assign respective team role!

Create a user - step 3

In this step you will select one or more projects the team will have access to (based on respective team roles a user within the team has).

Edit a team

To Edit a team click on Edit button at the end of the line.

Edit a team

Edit form will open where you can adjust all the necessary fields.

Edit a team

There you are able to edit Team avatar, Description, Projects and Team members in the tab section at the bottom.

When adding a new team member(s) you have to link a respective team role(s) and save all changes via Save button!

Delete a team

Deleted teams will be unlinked from all projects and users assigned to it. Users within those teams will lose access to the respective projects.

Please note that this action is irreversible. Make sure to carefully consider the impact before proceeding with the deletion.

To delete a team click on Delete button and subsequently confirm deletion in Delete modal window.

Team delete

Restore a team

To restore a team first click on Filter and check Deleted to see deleted teams. Team show deleted

Next select a team you wish to restore and click on Restore button.

Team restore

Please note that restored teams will NOT retain their previously linked projects and users! To ensure proper team assignments, it is necessary to reassign projects and users back to the team.

Search a team

To search a team use search bar. You can search team by team nameTeam search

Clone a team

You can make a copy of an existing team by using Clone button. This action will open create modal with prefilled details. Adjust the details and create a new team in the 3rd step.

Team clone

Filter results

Filter works at the moment only for filtering Active or Deleted teams. Team filter