
Project dashboard

Your Project Dashboard provides a central hub to monitor progress at a glance. It displays key information like active roadmaps with basic stats, a quick view of open and closed issues, and the status of current test plans. You can also access the project Readme and manage project stakeholders.

Picture bellow shows how your project dashboard might look like. The information presented on dashboard is tied to the specific project.


  • 1. Active roadmaps : List of currently active roadmaps with some quick statistics. The widget updates automatically as you start a new roadmap.
  • 2. Readme : The Readme section serves as a versatile space where you can communicate essential information using a text editor and share it with all Project participants. The Readme can be set in project setting.
  • 3. Issue Statistics : This gives you the overview of all opened and completed Issues.
  • 4. Test plans : The Active Test Plans widget provides a centralized location to track all important test plans currently in progress.For the widget to work properly It's necessary to properly set Test plan date From/To.
  • 5. Project stakeholders : List of Teams and important contacts tied to the project. Stakeholders can be set in project setting.

Every Roadmap, Issue, Test plan or Project contact is clickable for easy access when you need.