Log In


Help guide to walk you through possible scenarios when you fail to log in.

What kind of troubles you may encounter when trying to log in?

Lost password

Maybe you saw this alert too many times that you're thinking you have forgotten your password?

Wrong password

You can always reset your password.

To do that click on Forgot password on your log-in screen.

Login page

Next fill your email address and confirm by clicking on Reset password.

Reset passwordReset password submitted

After submitting go to your email. You should receive an email with reset link.

IMPORTANT This is only one time token and cannot be used twice!

Click on the Reset password button.

Reset password email

After redirecting back to Log-in page please type your new password twice.

Password must be at least 8 characters in length and contain at least one capital letter and a number.

New password

After setting your new password click on Go to the app and you will be redirected to the log-in page where you can use the new password to Sign in.

New password submitted

Locked user

When a user is locked the access to juno workspace is restricted. User can be unlocked only by another user with propriate permission (usually your account admin / super admin). Locked user

Deleted user

Non existing and deleted users get following message. non existing user

Ongoing release

Once in a while we release a new versions of Juno. All the cloud instances are unavailable to access during this time. This process usually takes a short priod of time. Uptime estimates are displayed on-screen.

Ongoing release

We notify all juno accounts about planned releases in advance. System messages detail the date and time one day and one hour prior to the planned downtime.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


There is a case you may try to reach a juno instance that doesn't exist.


This could be happened because:

  • Typo in address line : Please double check you have the correct URL.
  • The workspace has been deleted : It's possible that your previously created juno account has been deleted. In this case contact us and we will investigate it for you.
  • There might a problem on our side : You can check the Service status to see if there is any ongoing outage.