Project Settings


Guide on how to successfully integrate your juno project to one or more Jira projects.

How to set integration in Project Settings

Once the JIRA Integration is successfully created, open the Project in that you want to connect with JIRA. Go to the Project Settings and click Integrations. You can create either a Single or a MultiJIRA Integration.

Single Jira

For single Jira integration is possible to make test executions directly to Jira.

Project Integration - setup

Create single Jira Integration

  • Type a name of your choice.
  • In the field My testers work with choose Jira.
  • Select Jira name integration (which you have created in the Global settings).
  • Fill Project ID, JIRA Issue type test ID and JIRA Bug type ID. Learn more about how to get them.
  • Then click on the Create button -> integration between and JIRA will be created.

If you want to disconnect JIRA and, click on the Disable button.

Multi Jira

In multiple jira integrations it's not possible to make direct test executions into Jira.

Project Integration - setup

Create multiple Jira Integration

  • Type a name of your choice.
  • In the field My testers work with choose Juno.
  • Select Jira name integration (which you have created in the Global settings).
  • Fill Project ID and JIRA Bug type ID. Learn more about how to get them.
  • Then click on the Create button -> integration between and JIRA will be created.
  1. Log into yout Jira workspace.
  2. Click on the project you want to use for integration
  3. Open your project, go to the Project settings and click on Issue types
  4. In Issue types, create 1x Issue type for Bug and 1x for Test execution (this can also be a sub-task).
IMPORTANT: You can call both issue types whatever you like, we recommend using the name "Test" for the issue type where test executions will be logged, and the name "Bug" for the issue type that will be used for logging bugs during test execution.

Project Integration - setup

  1. You must add a new Paragraph called “Test runs” to the Test execution issue type, to make sure the executions from will be logged here.
IMPORTANT: Calling the paragraph custom field "Test runs" is required!

Project Integration - setup

  1. At the end of the URL address you’ll find the ID number for the Issue type test and Jira bug type, which is used for integration with a project in

Project Integration - setup

  1. In Jira Atlassian, in the Board view, create an Issue with Issue type test, which will be used to display test executions

Project Integration - setup

  1. The types of Jira links and how to set them up are described here.

In the LinkID field, you can enter the ID of a Jira link that you have previously defined in Jira. You can use this option if you want your bugs (issue type bug ID) to connect to your tests (issue type test ID).

When executing a bug during a test execution under a Jira issue, you can select a Linked Issue that will be connected to the bug through the Jira link that has been configured during the Jira integration setup.

Project Integration - setup

The connection will then be displayed in Jira as follows:

Project Integration - setup